A Study on Utilisation Pattern of E-tools (ICT-tools) by Extension Personnel Working in Developmental Departments in Vijayapur District, Karnataka, India
Prem Kishor S. N. *
Department of Agriculture Extension, College of Agriculture, GKVK, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore 560065, Karnataka, India.
K. A. Jahagirdar
Department of Agriculture Extension Education, College of Agriculture, Dharwad, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad – 580005, Karnataka, India.
Abhishek Jadhav
Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore.560065, Karnataka, India.
K. P. Raghuprasad
ATIC, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore.560065, Karnataka, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The use of Internet and mobile by extension personnel is now very common in India. Extension personnel use the Internet for social, research and educational purposes. This study focused on exploring the utilisation pattern of extension personnel about e-tools. The data were collected from 135 extension personnel through pre-tested interview schedule, where the questions were designed to generate information on, e-tools (ICT-tools) usage, information needs and the actual use of e-tools. The results identified overall utilization about e-tools; it was found that, 35.56 per cent of the extension personnel belonged to high utilization category of e-tools. Further, it indicated the extent of utilisation of e-tools in the order of priority were;’Whats App group’ (82.96 %), followed by ‘Krishi Marata Vahini’ (22.96 %), ‘Raitamitra’ (20.74 %), ‘Video conference’ (10.37 %), ‘KMAS’ (8.89 %), ‘Information kiosk’ (8.89 %) and ‘Agromet advisory Service’ (2.22 %). While coming to the purpose of utilisation of e-tools, ’Whats App group’, ‘krishi marata vahini’ and ‘Raitamitra’, are most commonly used for their personal and professional work. While the extension personnel had low utilization of e-tools like can be increased only through the education and training. It can be overwhelmed with more research, experience and training programe. Extension personnel should be made aware about e-tools and need to be trained on use of e-tools.
Keywords: Internet, e- tool, information and communication technology, extension personnel, utilisation pattern, Raitha Mitra Yojana'