Perception and Utilization of Rythu Bharosa Kendras (RBKs) Services by the Farmers in Srikakulam District in Andhra Pradesh, India
P.Venkata Rao *
DAATTC, Paderu, ASR District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
S. Neelaveni
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
G Chitti Babu
DAATTC, Paderu, ASR District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
P. B. Pradeep Kumar
Department of Agricultural Extension, ANGRAU, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Government of Andhra Pradesh has established 10641 RBKs in the state including 836 RBKs in Srikakulam district during 2019 to fasten the dissemination of technologies and timely distribution of inputs and appropriate services to the farming community. To know the status of the meant purpose, an Extension study has been taken up by DAATT Centre, Srikakulam during 2022, with an objective to study the perception and utilization of services of Rythu Bharosa Kendras (RBKs) by the farmers in the Srikakulam district. An Ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study. Five farmers were selected for the study from each village and four villages from each mandal and six mandals in the district were selected randomly with a representation of three mandals from each revenue division. Total sample size was 120. Frequency, percentages and other appropriate statistical tools used for analysis.
Results of the study revealed that, nearly 65 per cent of respondent farmers had positive and good opinion on the services rendered by the YSR Rythu Bharosa Kendras and 21 % farmers have negative opinion and undecided 14% (neutral opinion). Approximately 60 % of respondent farmers had utilized the services rendered by the YSR RBK, 40 per cent did not utilized the services provided by the YSR RBKs. In the services offered by YSR RBKs, 93.33 % farmers utilised Rythu Bharosa Scheme, 91.67% farmers utilised the e crop booking, 83.33 % farmers utilized the crop insurance scheme followed by 81.67% farmers utilised the polambadi and Agro Advisory meeting services. Up to 80 % farmers utilised the services pertaining to identifying beneficiaries for various government schemes. Cent per cent farmers not utilised the services pertaining to soil and water testing facilities and 65 % farmers not utilised the services particularly Smart TV for interaction with scientists and other experts through audio and video conferences and for dissemination of technology and 50% farmers not utilised the services of animal health cards.
This study concludes that there is need to create awareness among the farmers about the services of YSR-Rythu Bharosa Kendras and include the services related to soil testing and more efforts are required to convert the unfelt needs into felt needs of the farmers related to new technologies in primary as well as secondary agriculture.
Keywords: Rythu bharosa kendras, revenue division, awareness, government, farmers, perception and utilization