Synergistic Action of New Combination of Fungicides in the Management of Tikka Leaf Spot and Rust Diseases in Groundnut

D. Vijay Kumar Naik *

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nellore, India.

G. L. Siva Jyothi

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nellore, India.

V. Surekha Devi

Agricultural Research Station, Podalakuru, India.

K. Kiran Kumar Reddy

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nellore, India.

J. Prasanth

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nellore, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Tikka leaf spot and rust diseases are major constraints in groundnut at Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh. We conducted front line demonstration on effect of new combination of fungicides for management of foliar diseases in groundnut and the experiment was carried out at different farmer’s field. The farmers practicing variety TAG24 is highly susceptible to tikka leaf spot and soil borne diseases. The trial was conducted during rabi season for two years. During rabi, 2022-2023, the percent disease incidence of tikka leaf spot recorded 38.46% in demo plot where as in farmer practice 74.62% recorded. During rabi 2023-2024, recorded 38.8% and 65.4% tikka leaf spot disease in demo plot and farmer practice respectively. The average pod yield was increased 5% more in demo plot over farmer practicing plot. The average of 2 years, rust diseases recorded 5% in demo plot and 16% in farmer practice. In both treatments the incidence of tikka leaf spot was high due to farmers cultivating variety is highly susceptible to foliar diseases and farmers are used higher seed rate i.e. 200kg/acre. Based on results we concluded that the combination fungicides i.e. tebuconozole 50% +trifloxystrobin 25% WG and pyraclostrobin 5% +metiram 55% WG are best chemicals than single mode of action fungicides and time of application of fungicide is also important.

Keywords: Andhra Pradesh, groundnut, tikka leaf spot, rust, combination of fungicides, foliar disease management

How to Cite

Naik, D. Vijay Kumar, G. L. Siva Jyothi, V. Surekha Devi, K. Kiran Kumar Reddy, and J. Prasanth. 2024. “Synergistic Action of New Combination of Fungicides in the Management of Tikka Leaf Spot and Rust Diseases in Groundnut”. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology 42 (6):254-61.