An Analysis on Performance of Mango Production in India
Balaganesh G. *
Resource Survey and Forest Economics Discipline, Silviculture and Forest Management Division, ICFRE-Forest Research Institute, Dehardun – 248006, Uttarakhand, India.
Gururaj Makarabbi
ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes, Hisar – 125001, Haryana, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Horticulture has become major role in Indian agriculture as it contributes 33 per cent towards Gross Value Added (GVA) of agriculture by enhancing farmers’ income and providing rural employment which is a pathway for rural development. Fruits and vegetable crops share major production (nearly 90%) of horticulture in India. Among fruits, Mango is the most important fruit crop in Indian Economy. India is the leader in mango production (20772 thousand MT) during 2021-22, which accounts for more than 40 per cent of global mango production. Hence, the present study analyses the production performance of mango in India based on secondary data from 1991-92 to 2021-22 for area, production and productivity of mango and of major mango producing states in India. The components like trend, growth rate and instability analysis were used in this study. The increasing trend and positive growth rate were noticed in area and production of mango in the nation as a whole which is a good sign. However, productivity had shown declining trend, negative growth rate and higher instability over the years which need to be addressed by high density planting, replacing old orchards having less productivity trees by high yielding mango varieties with high market demand and so on. Hence, there should be more focus on productivity to improve its growth rate and reduce instability which will eventually improve the mango production since area showed high positive growth rate and low instability. The study also identifies the states showing increasing trend, positive growth and low instability in area, production and productivity which is a good sign for mango cultivation. However, states showing declining trend, negative growth rate and high instability in above mentioned parameters which need to be focused and for which researchers deserve deeds.
Keywords: Mango, area, production, productivity, trend, growth and instability